Saturday, September 12, 2009

Feeding or Luring?

This morning my mom and I woke up early to walk the Clover Creek Trail. Once we completed a lap, we pushed Gabe over to feed the ducks. Most of the time Gabe kept pulling his feet closer to himself. I guess he didn't want his toes to get nibbled. We say Gabe was feeding the ducks. My hunting husband thinks he was just luring the ducks closer.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Much Needed Family Day

On Friday, the three of us decided to head north for a little drive and to enjoy come cooler weather. So we visited the park in Dunsmir and had lunch in Mt. Shasta. Mostly we just relaxed and enjoyed the outdoors. So here are a few pics from our day together.
Gabe was thrilled with this log bench to climb while Dad fished the Mt. Shasta Hatchery.
Dave's goal: catch all these fish!

Oh, man! It got away!

Fat lip and 3 more teeth on the way.

Finally, lots of pictures with mommy & daddy.